Sunday, 4 May 2014

Weekly Update + Stacking The Shelves

Happy Sunday everyone!

I decided I'd start doing a weekly updates, maybe Saturday or Sunday to just wrap up the week and tell everyone a little bit what's happened, such as what I've been reading and doing.

This week I haven't been reading a lot, on the account of trying to get back into this blog. But, I have managed to finish two books.

finished this week

Water for Elephants is gorgeous. Its a poignant tale, of mystery and magic and intrigue and overwhelming nostalgia. Review coming soon.

Zac & Mia is a wonderfully written uplifting story about love and loss. I was lucky enough to have read such a beautiful novel by Australian author A. J. Betts.

Currently reading

The Orchardist is a rare and emotionally engaged novel, one which I am so far loving!

What's been happening

Right now I'm staying at my father's house with him and his girlfriend, for the next week. Unfortunately I'm not with my cat Aggie, which makes me really sad but It's only for a short while.

I'm having to study a novel in English which I truly disliked, but it's been fun to write a  critical analysis of it because I get to bag it out ;)

I saw the Divergent film. My goodness, I was so happy with how it turned out to be. I went in the cinema with 0 expectations as some recent YA adaptions have been pretty darn terrible (won't be naming names), but Divergent was fabulous. The acting was great, soundtrack wonderful, and the filming was beautiful. I kept dragging my family along to it!

Well, that's about it for my weekly wrap-up! Now on to the other fun part ;)

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme run by Tynga's Reviews. It's about sharing the books you've been adding to your shelves, either physical or virtual.

For reviewing/ ARCs


Both books I've been wanting to read for quite a while now, and I finally went out and bought them, so I've been very enthusiastic about adding those to my shelf.

Well that's about it this week. All up it's been rather productive. And hopefully I'll get to be reading my new books!


  1. Cool haul. Hope you enjoy everything :)

    Happy Sunday!

    IFB Stack!

  2. Nice bunch of books. Don't Even Think About It was interesting. Come see what I got this week at Inside of a Dog and Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  3. Great haul! I hope you enjoy your books!

    OUT's STS

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

  4. Water for Elephants has been sitting on my shelf for awhile. I really need to read it. Enjoy all your books :) My STS
